These are images from my Father's Estate Sale in Golden City, Missouri on
March 16, 2013....
the old watertower...they also have a new(er) fancy schmacy one...
garden tools
A selection of chains in color...
and in b&w...
the old red Chalmers...
...and in black-n-white
welding masks
my Mom used bowling pins to make these crazy dolls...
she sold a butt load of arts & crafts all the time...
Owls...from "the bird collection"
Bill Nance, Auctioneer...
Bill's crew kept it movin;...
Ginger Nance, keeping everyone honest...
the auciton, that's my sister-in-law, Kim on the left,
and in the corner on the right, is my uncle Delbert,
that's about the time he looked at me and said,
"I can here him now", refering to my dad, "'It's not enough!" true :-D
Furniture sale in progress

Picker going over the books & sheet music.
If I get time, to take the pics next time I'm up there,
I'm thinking about doing a photo essay on what is
happening to the American Farm...
...I plan on driving within a 10-12 mile radius of my Dad's
town, Golden City, and see how many run down, abandoned & delapidated
farms I can find...and then show where the corporate farms have
cut down all the wind breaks, taken down all the fences (which are also wind breaks),
so they can squeeze a few more bushells out of the land by bringing the crop all
the way out to the property line...
didn't we learn ANYTHING from the great dust bowl?